Nagios is an open source software that can be used for infrastructure monitoring: Nagios will monitor servers, switches, applications and services and it alerts (via email or other stuff) the system admin when something goes wrong.
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Asterisk Mail2Fax using FFA in poor man style !
The serious name is email to fax gateway, but we prefer to call it “email2fax in poor man style”.
We have an asterisk pbx with Fax for Asterisk module from Digium installed correctly (or SpanDSP), and we want to implement in a very simple and fast way an email2fax procedure.
We can use the very simple script below, that we can run automatically every 10 min using cron. Continue reading
Install & configure Burp backup solution on Debian 7
I love Bacula, really, a lot !
In my company we use it to backup all the server (Linux & Windows) inside the LAN !
However, it has a big drawback: when the client-server connection drops backup process starts over again.
For this reason it is almost impossible to use Bacula in backup process via WAN and with large amount of files.
Att.: The Bacula commercial version, however, has the ability to continue interrupted backups, and other very interesting stuff.
For this reason we started a long time to use for backup via WAN Burp, an open source backup solution that has the ability to continue interrupted backups. Continue reading
Asterisk & FreePbx – Voicemail toggle
IMHO many users don’t want the voicemail funct, but they want be able to access to the user portal (ARI) to see the CDR call list and the other stuff or, more easily, they want to activate-deactivate individually voicemail funct using a code on the phone, as in other pbx.
So far this feature has not been implemented in Asterisk/FreePBX: so I have implemented a very simple voicemail toggle, so a user can enable/disable the voicemail (like the Follow-me). Continue reading